Concern for high street as local Boots store closes

Grimsby’s Freeman Street Boots store has now officially closed its doors for the final time.

The closure was confirmed by staff back in October when Boots announced it would be making significant cutbacks due to inflation and difficult trading conditions, resulting in the loss of 300 stores nationwide. 

Speaking at the time, a company spokesperson confirmed that all staff would be relocated to other nearby stores to avoid making redundancies. Despite this, the close has caused concern among locals, many of whom say they are worried for the future of the shopping scene in Grimsby. Dozens of shoppers reacted to an earlier article published by Gi Grimsby News expressing their disappointment at the closure and their concern for the town as a whole.

As first reported by Gi Grimsby News back in October 2023, the company had refused to comment on the closure despite staff informing customers that the Freeman Street branch of Boots would be closing in the coming months. Now that the store has closed, locals have aired their views with the majority saying they are growing increasingly concerned for both retailers and residents.

One said: “If things continue to close at this rate, the town will end up with streets and streets of houses with nowhere for anyone to work or shop.”

“Such a shame. Freeman Street used to be so full of life. I suppose it’s just a sad sign of the times, online shopping and the economic climate will continue to decimate stores,” added another. 

We contacted Boots three times for a statement but they declined to comment.

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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