Infected trees in Cleethorpes to be felled

A number of trees in Cleethorpes will soon be felled after North East Lincolnshire Council officers identified several which are being destroyed by Dutch Elm Disease.

15 trees along the boundary of Kings Road and the Lakeside car park are said to be affected by the infection, which has the potential to cause serious damage to local woodland.

The disease is one of the most serious conditions found in trees, and is known to have killed between 10-40% of all British elm trees in the 1920s. It then returned in the 1960s when a more aggressive species of the fungus was accidentally introduced.

Due to the extent of the infection, eight trees have been recommended to be removed and replaced in the coming weeks. The other 45 trees in the zone will continue to be monitored and appropriate action to stop the spread of infection will be taken. 

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport said: “It’s a terrible shame that these trees have become infected with Dutch Elm Disease. However, to prevent the problem from spreading and affecting more trees, the Council has no choice but to remove those that are clearly infected. As a Council committed to the local environment, we will ensure to do all we can to secure the sustainability of our local trees and replant any that are lost as a result of this work.”

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