Slipway repair works delayed by ‘tidal cycles’ and bad weather

The completion of works to repair a damage section of the slipway near the former Wonderland Market in Cleethorpes have been delayed. 

The area was cordoned off last month after wind and high tides caused a “sudden failure” resulting in significant damage and creating a hazardous situation for members of the public. 

According to North East Lincolnshire Council, the works should have been completed at the end of last week, Friday 2 February. Speaking at the time, the authority stressed that the projected finish date would be ‘subject to tidal cycles.’

They said: “The works should be completed by the end of next week (Friday 2 February), however this is subject to tidal cycles. Once the works are fully complete, the slipway can be used again.”

A week on from that date and it appears weather conditions have proved challenging, with the works still incomplete and the area still partially inaccessible to the public. 

In their latest statement, North East Lincolnshire Council said: “The cause of the damage to the slipway was a combination of high tides and wave action. There was a strong onshore wind which increased wave energy and height.

“The slipway lies lower than the main sea wall, so it takes the heaviest wave impacts which would have caused the damage. However, there was no damage to the main sea wall, therefore there is no reduction in the level of protection against the sea.

“A rock armour groyne was constructed in 2017 adjacent to the slipway, providing a gradual increase in sand levels and providing better protection to the sea wall and slipway.

“When dealing with such dynamic natural forces as the sea, and its wave action, there is always going to be the risk of damage to the sea defences. However, the council have a regular inspection and maintenance process in place which identifies and remedies defects before they deteriorate further. However, in the case of the slipway, last month’s inspection didn’t find any defects requiring repair, so the damage was a sudden failure rather than a gradual deterioration.”

In an updated statement, a spokesperson said: “Works to repair the slipway on the North Prom are continuing, however, due to the bad weather over the last few days, the final concrete pour has had to be delayed until drier weather returns, expected to be next week. As soon as we are able, the slipway works will be completed.”

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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