Kayaker rescued from Cleethorpes coast

Volunteers and staff from the RNLI Cleethorpes and Coastguard teams were called out yesterday afternoon, Friday 9 February, following reports of a kayaker who had been turned out near Cleethorpes.

A search for the man ensured, aided by multiple passing commercial vessels, one of whom quickly located him ensuring his safe rescue. He had been in the water for around 30 minutes.

The kayaker was taken on board before being handed over to the Coastguard team. 

A spokesperson for RNLI Cleethorpes said: “Having been in the water for some time, and with conditions challenging for searching, the fact they were wearing a drysuit and buoyancy aid, and had a VHF radio fastened to their body, contributed greatly to their safe rescue and a good outcome, as did their staying with their vessel.”

The man was later transferred to paramedics for medical treatment.

(Image: RNLI)

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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