Grimsby residents ‘plagued’ by constant power cuts

Residents living in the Cromwell Road area of Grimsby say they have been ‘plagued’ by weekly power cuts over the past several months. 

According to reports, several streets including external street lights hand traffic lights ave been impacted by an ongoing and sporadic loss of power since December 2023. Vulnerable residents have been left without heating or electricity for long periods as a result.

The issue is thought to be related to an unexpected power surge which occurred last year, resulting in an inconsistent electrical supply ever since.

A number of residents say they have had to resort to using camping lights and other equipment indoors on a regular basis. Everyone we spoke to said they have already reported the issue to Northern PowerGrid on more than one occasion but sadly the issue has yet to be resolved. 

Speaking to Gi Grimsby News, one 76-year-old resident described the situation as “beyond a joke.”

She said: “There was no street light it was absolutely pitch black. I couldn’t see my hands in front of my face. 

“I was grovelling about around the room to find my camp light, but because the power cut went on so long it went flat. I dare not even try to go upstairs for a duvet so sat shivering for ages and eventually put my coat on. It’s getting beyond a joke now.  

“It’s disorientating when it’s so dark. At least I could make a drink on the gas cooker but I’m not very brave with candles etc. as you hear so many fires start with them. I’m sure there are other elderly people or those with tiny babies who just wouldn’t be safe in the dark. 

“These people at these companies don’t care as it doesn’t affect them.”

Northern PowerGrid have been contacted for a statement.

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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