Grimsby gang jailed after £1m drug operation

Four men who were involved in the supply and distribution of one-million pounds worth of cocaine, alongside other drugs, into North East Lincolnshire, have been sentenced to a combined total of 35-years behind bars.

An investigation was launched by the National Crime Agency where officers targeted  organised crime groups using the encrypted online instant messaging service ‘Encrochat’.

With organised crime links throughout the country, it was quickly established that the ringleader of the group, Andrew Gordon, was arranging for the Class A drugs including cocaine, heroin, crack cocaine and amphetamine to be imported and then transported to the Humberside Police force area.

Robert Forrest and Lee McGregor, acting as Gordon’s trusted second in command, would then arrange for the drugs to be distributed amongst dealers within the community. When needed, they would also bulk up the drugs through a number of means to assist them in maximising their drugs profits.

Once they had accumulated enough evidence, officers conducted a misuse of drugs acts warrant at a property on Constitutional Avenue, Cleethorpes. McGregor attempted to evade officers but was quickly apprehended. Whilst searching the property, officers discovered drugs, scales and other equipment associated with the supply of drugs. They also recovered a Ford Kuga and quickly found several sophisticated hidden stores for the drugs.

Following McGregor’s arrest, Gordon and Forrest began to panic and sent several messages to each other to and try and establish what happened. In code, referring to amphetamine as ‘trainers’ the pair discussed how they’d dispose of the drugs in attempt to destroy the evidence. They also attempted to devise a plan around what they would say and do if they themselves were arrested and questioned by officers.

Officers went on to arrest Gordon at a property on Roberts Street in Grimsby. He was interviewed by detectives and subsequently charged with five offences. Forrest and Jackson attended a voluntary interview in April 2021 where they were interviewed by officers about their role in the organised crime group. Both were later arrested and charged in connection.

The gang were all convicted after admitting their involvement when they appeared separately before Grimsby Crown Court.

Andrew Gordon, 39, of Roberts Street, Grimsby was charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine, heroin amphetamine, and money laundering and was sentenced to 14-years-and-four-months.

Robert Forrest, 51, of Tennyson Road, Cleethorpes was charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine, heroin, amphetamine, and money laundering and was sentenced to 10-years-and-two-months.

Lee McGregor, 40, of Constitutional Avenue, Cleethorpes was charged with conspiracy to supply heroin and was sentenced to an additional six-months imprisonment to be served alongside his current sentence of seven-years-and-six-months.

Dale Jackson, 41 of Camforth Crescent, Grimsby was charged with money laundering and was sentenced to two-years-and-six-months.

Throughout the course of their investigation between March 2020 and May 2020, officers uncovered that the organised crime group had supplied approximately, 10 kilos of cocaine, 1.5 kilos of heroin, 300 grams of crack cocaine, 92 kilos of amphetamine. Officers discovered a further 32 kilos of amphetamine ready to be supplied.

Detective Sergeant Ray Todd, who led the investigation, said: 

“The impact drugs have on our communities is the reason we do everything we can to tackle and disrupt these criminal networks and remove drugs from our streets.

“We will not tolerate this type of criminality and I am pleased Gordon, Forrest, McGregor, and Jackson are all behind bars and can no longer cause harm to our local communities.

“I would also like to thank all the people who contact us with information about drug dealing and drug-related crime in their areas.

“We investigate all information that we receive, so please don’t worry if you don’t see immediate action. Sometimes we use what you tell us to build the bigger picture of evidence ensuring we have the best possible chance of a positive court outcome, as in this case. Please keep talking to us if you have any information about crime in your area. If you have any concerns about what’s happening in your area, speak to your local officer, call into your nearest station or call our non-emergency 101 line.”

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