Great Grimsby Sleep Out raises over £16k for charity

Over £16,000 was raised after the Great Grimsby Sleep Out event, which was held last week. 

On 16th February the volunteers from across the community spent the night in Freshney Place Car Park to raise vital funds for local homeless charity Harbour Place.

More than 740 people donated to the initiative, resulting in the fundraiser surpassing its target by £6,000.

Harbour Place operates a night shelter for 15 rough sleepers. Their primary mission is to reduce and ultimately end rough sleeping on the streets of North East Lincolnshire, by supporting those without a permanent home to find and sustain one.

In addition to the Night Shelter, which operates 365 nights of the year, Harbour Place provide an outreach service for those living on the streets. Experienced support workers provide advice and advocacy services, assisting with housing applications, benefit issues, and signposting to health and harm reduction services.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing cost of living crisis, their services are in even greater demand than ever. The team said funds raised from the event will help them make a difference to “so many more people in our community.”

Speaking via social media, a spokesperson for Harbour Place said: “The support for this event has been overwhelming-Thank you to each and every person that has donated you are all making a massive difference.”

(Image: Harbour Place)

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