Residents concerned about safety of ‘corroded’ rails on Cleethorpes Promenade

Concerns have been raised over the condition of the promenade in Cleethorpes, after residents flagged a number of areas where railings are seriously corroded. 

Part of the slipway on the northern end of Cleethorpes Promenade was also seriously damaged due to harsh weather conditions earlier this year. 

Speaking to Gi Grimsby News, North East Lincolnshire Council previously said they have a regular inspection and maintenance process in place, which identifies and ‘remedies’ defects before they deteriorate further. 

However, several members of the public have now highlighted damage and rust to the rails along the promenade, prompting safety concerns in the run up to the busy summer season. The issue was first flagged by Gi Grimsby News on our social media platforms back in October 2023, when a number of local residents got in touch to express concerns over what they perceived as a lack of maintenance. One worried local said: “It’s so badly worn away, I can’t see how it has been allowed to get this bad. If someone leans on this and it breaks they will fall straight onto the beach. God forbid the tide is also in.”

We asked North East Lincolnshire Council for an update today. They responded saying: “We are aware of the damage and are in the process of getting it repaired.”

Updates to follow. 

(Images: Submitted)

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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