Plans for more solar PV on rooftops in Grimsby

Grimsby Community Energy has launched a new share offer to raise capital to install more solar PV on rooftops in Grimsby.

They seek to raise an additional £315k to install solar PV at several sites during 2024.

One of the confirmed sites with contracts in place is at CATCH, the national technical skills centre located in Grimsby.

Launched in 2016 by a committed group of people determined to deliver locally owned community energy.

Award-winning Grimsby Community Energy is a community benefit society (CBS), a form of not-for-profit cooperative owned and run by local people that works for the benefit of the community.

Over the last eight years, thanks to the support of NELC, Coops UK and their investing members, Grimsby Community Energy have raised £450k of investment to deliver renewable energy across Grimsby, Cleethorpes and North East Lincolnshire, installing 534kW of solar PV (photovoltaic) panels for community organisations.

According to Grimsby Community Energy, this ‘place-based approach’ to energy generation means local community organisations pay less for their energy and everyone who invests in Grimsby Community Energy has a vote in the running of the society.This share offer is an ‘open offer’ without a closing date.

Vicky Dunn, Managing Director of Grimsby Community Energy said:

“We are proud to have kept our promises to our investors and our community, ensuring we pay members a fair rate of return and creating wider community benefits, including creating jobs and establishing a community fund. Our team have worked hard to develop our business but there is so much more we can do with your support.”

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