Home Crime Police issue statement as man  ‘seriously injured’ in stabbing

Police issue statement as man  ‘seriously injured’ in stabbing


A man has been seriously injured following a stabbing yesterday evening, Saturday 15 June. 

As first reported by Gi Grimsby News, police were called to the Heneage Road / Sixhills Street area at around 18:50 following reports of a violent altercation between a group of men. 

A 35-year-old man sustained serious stab wounds to his back and was taken to hospital.

Armed police immediately launched a search in the Wellington Street area in a bid to find those responsible. Officers were seen surrounding a property on the street. Three people were detained at the scene, but were later released.

Officers have now warned residents to expect a high police presence in the coming days as they work to establish the circumstances surrounding the incident. Scenes of Crime officers were seen examining the site throughout the night.

Detective Inspector Tracy St Paul said: “I appreciate the events of this evening are understandably going to cause concern amongst local residents.

“Whilst we are at the early stages of our investigation, from enquiries conducted so far, we do believe this to be an incident involving individuals known to each other with no wider risk to the public. 

“There will continue to be a high policing presence in the area over the coming days as we work to understand what has happened.

“I would encourage anyone with information, or anyone with concerns, to please come and speak to us.

“I’d like to thank members of the public who have so far assisted us with lines of enquiry.

“If you believe you have any information, and, in particular, dashcam footage, please call our non-emergency number 101 quoting log 462 of 15 June.”