Police warns against violence during Euro 2024 Championships

Humberside Police are encouraging people to be a “good sport, stop, think, and walk away” as the Euro 2024 Football Championships get underway.

In a statement, the force revealed that “in the last two years, six men in our communities have lost their life because of one accidental run in a busy bar, one difference in opinion over a game of sport, or one too many drinks on a night out.”

Speaking previously about the matter, Major Crime Team Superintendent Al Curtis said, “Naturally, as the sun comes out and the nights get lighter, we see an increase in members of our community heading out to pubs, bars, and restaurants, especially when events like the football are on too.

“Whilst the majority of people arrive home safely, unfortunately, for some families, it is the start of a living nightmare when they receive the heart-breaking news that their loved one has sustained life changing or fatal injuries from a single punch.

“With an anticipated increase in alcohol consumption as the warmer weather approaches, we are continuing to raise awareness and save countless other lives by encouraging people to stop, think and just walk away. No argument is worth a life without a loved one.

“In recent years we’ve seen more incidents we’re being called to, predominantly involving two men, who, whilst out enjoying a drink, have ended up in an altercation which has then had detrimental consequences.

“It’s really important that people know that our officers will be out and about patrolling hotspots, particularly pubs, clubs and bars, to reassure all those out for a good time, whilst working alongside licensed premises.

“We want our force area to be a safe place where members of the public can go out and enjoy the summer period, especially during the European football championships, and get home safely.”

They, however, are not alone in delivering a message to sports fans. North East Lincolnshire Women’s Aid has also warned against dangerous behaviour, especially against women and girls.

In a statement, the charity said that “football does not cause domestic abuse, but everyone must take a stand against abuse and the sexist or misogynistic behaviours which underpin violence against women and girls.”

Anyone in immediate danger should contact 999.

Fin Gray
Fin Gray
Junior Reporter. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2024.
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