Grimsby’s Job Centre Plus forced to close amid strike action

The Grimsby branch of Job Centre bas been forced to close today, Monday 17 June, after security guards voted to begin strike action amid an ongoing dispute over pay.

Those at the picket line join more than 200 Public and Commercial Services union members, and colleagues in the GMB union who have begun a seven day period of industrial action.

Members of both unions are employed by G4S to provide security for DWP employees and claimants at the facilities. 

But PCS members say they feel “underpaid and undervalued.”

One member, who has more than 20 years’ service, said: “I dread going into work every day, not knowing what’s going to happen, which difficult person I’ll be told to deal with. Is he going to punch me, like I was 3 months ago? Or will he stab me or even shoot me? All this for £11.44 an hour!”

A third employee of almost eight years said: “We’re verbally abused, spat at and threatened daily by customers who are irate with the system. The minimum wage is shocking for the work we do.”

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “As these shocking testimonies show it’s high time G4S gave our members a pay rise. The company turns over billions of pounds a year so could easily afford it.

“That they choose to reward their shareholders instead of our members is another reason why we’re demanding the new government to brings workers back into the public sector. It’s time to end outsourcing for good and bring back essential government services in-house.”

The Victoria Street South branch is closed as a result. It is currently unclear whether it will reopen this week.

The Job Centre and G4S have both been contacted for a statement.

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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