Permanent home sought for blind and deaf puppy

A dog rescue is looking to find a 10-month-old springer spaniel who is blind and deaf a permanent home. The springer spaniel, known as Jack, has moved to several different locations, and is currently with a foster owner, close to Mablethorpe.

South Yorkshire English Springer Spaniel Rescue said he is a ‘very loveable chap’ and are looking to find him a permanent home.

According to the rescue, the causes of Jack’s conditions are not known.

However, it is hoped he will be referred to a specialist for investigation. Jack’s foster owner said he is a “playful, loving puppy” with an “incredible sense of smell”.

The group said it would provide a new owner with support and contacts for the ‘loveable chap’.

Heather Pointer, a trustee for the volunteer group, said: “When you see dogs like Jack that really need you, that’s what makes us do it.”Sharing to Facebook in a post, the group said:

“As moving Jack from one place to another is stressful for him he will be staying where he is until a quieter home can be found.”We can imagine it is not going to be an easy task to take him on, but it also sounds like he is a very loveable chap who will make the work rewarding.”

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