Work begins for Caistor market place regeneration

Work has begun for the ‘regeneration’ of Caistor’s 2-4 market place.

The Caistor and District Community Trust (CDCT), 2-4 Market Place funders and shareholders announced work has officially begun on this ‘significant’ regeneration project.

Promising to continue the ‘reawakening’ of Caistor, the news comes as compound construction began in the Market Place on June 19th, signalling the start of the Lincolnshire Wolds project.

While the arrival of the compound will reduce the number of parking spaces available in the town centre, Neil Castle, Company Secretary of the Trust, explains that the impact on the local businesses and residents as well as visitors has been fully considered and mitigated by Highways as well as Caistor Town Council.

“It’s understandable that concern has been raised about fewer parking spaces being available in the town centre,” said Neil.

“To keep as many spaces free as possible, the compound has been thoughtfully constructed and will be decorated in collaboration with the Caistor in Bloom volunteers to feature the work of local artists. It has also been agreed that contractors will be parking off-site away from the prime parking locations.

“Highways has been involved from the initial planning stages, and is on board with the requirements needed on-site,” Neil added.

“Having had considerable conversations with our primary contractor, Messenger, about the best way to manage the compound needs alongside those of local residents, businesses and visitors, Highways has performed its due diligence and, in doing so, has galvanised the Caistor Town Council into reviewing parking options locally, which can only be of further benefit for the town.

“To say we’re are delighted to see work commencing to breathe life back into these buildings is an understatement. They have for too long stood neglected in our town square.”

Having been vacant for several years and noted on the building’s ‘at risk’ register as needing immediate attention, the restored buildings, in their full glory, will create spaces for retail units, which could include a restaurant/cafe, a community space for functions, exhibitions and other community activities, self-catering holiday lets, and – in Phase Two – spaces that can be used as offices or arts-and-crafts business units, storage for local archival materials and a space for the Trust to work from.

With work now underway, prioritising the completion of the market square facing shopfronts of 2, 3 and 4 Market Place, the community room above number 4, two holiday lets above numbers 2 and 3, the new core service building and the restored courtyard, the continued collaboration between the Trust and its valued partners will support the aim to get work completed on Phase One for Summer 2025.

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