Barnoldby-le-beck Children’s Care Home plans approved

A children’s care home proposed for Barnoldby-le-beck has been approved.

Following a North East Lincolnshire Council planning committee meeting, the plans were agreed by a majority vote.

Previous objections were raised by neighbours, and the Parish Council, which included parking and traffic, and an application for a certificate of lawfulness for the change of use was refused in February.

A children’s home provider, Gravity Red Inspires, will run the care home, and it is understood the capacity will be a maximum of three children aged 10-17 years old.

There will be staff on a 24 hours daily rota, and it will be a five bed. It was said the proposed change of use would not result in any external changes to the existing dwelling.

Thus, the visual character of the area would not be adversely affected by the proposed development.

The proposed use whilst falling within Class C2 of the Use Classes Order is still residential in nature.

Currently the existing house has 5 bedrooms, and the only internal change would be to use one of the bedrooms as a staff bedroom,with the other 3 being for the children.

The final bedroom at ground floor would be converted into a staff office.

Planning officers recommended the plans for approval, and it was granted conditional approval.

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