Surgeon raises over £3,000 for Grimsby Hospital

A surgeon from Diana, Princess of Wales, Hospital in Grimsby has cycled more than 300 miles from London to Paris in order to raise funds for ‘The Pink Rose Suite’ at the hospital.

The Pink Rose Suite provides care for people who need breast imaging and diagnostic services at Grimsby Hospital and features a team of staff who are willing to give their all to help the suite and those who need it, including Jenny Smith.

A consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon at the hospital, Jenny participated in the self-funded ‘2024 Hotchillee London-to-Paris Cycle, spanning 323 miles and three days from June 13th to June 15th.

The challenge saw her begin in East Molesley in Surrey before travelling to Folkestone to embark on the ferry taking her to Calais, where she cycled to Amiens, before travelling onto Paris and finishing at the Eiffel Tower.

Speaking prior to the challenge, Jenny said, “I have taken up this challenge for two important reasons. Firstly, I want to raise awareness of the benefits of exercise in fighting cancer. Research shows that people who exercise are less likely to get cancer, and are more likely to stay healthy during and after treatment.

“Exercise also has a positive impact on the mental health of both patients and their loved ones on a cancer journey. It doesn’t have to be cycling; any form of exercise, like walking with a loved one undergoing treatment or trying chair-based exercises, can make a difference.”

Donations have flowed in for the fundraiser to provide new equipment to improve patient experience at the suite, with the total standing at £3,950 currently – 130% of the target.

Those looking to contribute can do so as the fundraiser is still active and can be found by following the link:

Fin Gray
Fin Gray
Junior Reporter. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2024.
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