Grimsby boxer competes in national finals

Grimsby boxer Austin Muir recently represented England as he boxed for the national championships.

Austin, 14, boxes for the Cleethorpes Trinity Boxing Academy and has recently represented England in the GB Schools Three Nations national boxing championship.

The GB Schools Three Nations Championship is a competition featuring contestants from around the country boxing at the “elite” level, which England, Wales, and Scotland take turns hosting.

This year, the competition was held in Nottingham on June 15th and 16th, with Austin boxing on the 16th, where he made it to the semi-finals in the male under 70 kg class, losing out narrowly to his opponent Fabian Sulmina, but is now ranked second-best in the country in that class.

Gi Grimsby News spoke with Austin’s coach, Andy Cox, who has been coaching him during his time at the team.

Andy said, “He’s actually been training with us for 2-3 years now, and while he was in the national championships last year, he got to the semi-finals this year, so this is progress from last year. In terms of his development, he’s not too far away, as he’s reached two championship weekends in two years. I believe he has the right attitude and mindset to take him to the next stage.”

He continued, “Boxing for England is not an opportunity that many people get involved in. To reach a national final and represent your country, there are not a lot of people that can do that; to stand in front of your home nation at the Tri Nations with your national anthem playing would have been a proud moment for him.”

Fin Gray
Fin Gray
Junior Reporter. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2024.
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