Doctor strike begins at Grimsby hospital

A five-day period of industrial action has begun at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby today, Thursday 27 June. 

The strike marks the eleventh episode of disruption amid an ongoing pay dispute between junior doctors at the British Medical Association and the Government. The strike is expected to continue until 6.59AM on Tuesday 2 July.

Some patients may have their appointments or procedures postponed as a result. A spokesperson for Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust said staff will be contacting affected patients. Anyone who doesn’t hear from them should attend as scheduled.

Dr Kate Wood, Group Chief Medical Officer for NHS Humber Health Partnership, said:

“We appreciate that there will be some patients who are seeing their appointments with us postponed, perhaps not for the first time. We know just how frustrating this is and we’d like to extend our apologies to anyone affected. Stepping down some routine care is regrettable but necessary as it allows us to focus on the most seriously ill/injured of our patients, allowing us to keep urgent, emergency care and cancer care services running.

“This is the eleventh junior doctors strike that we’ve seen so our staff are well rehearsed at putting plans in place to prepare, however we know that five days of industrial action will place further pressure on our already busy services.  As with previous strikes we’d really appreciate the support of our local communities.

“GP surgeries and pharmacies will remain open during the strike. NHS 111 staff are on hand to offer advice if you’re unwell and unsure where to turn. If you do need to come into one of our emergency departments please be mindful that we have fewer doctors on shift so be prepared to wait to be seen and please respect our staff who are in work who are doing their best to see and treat people as quickly as possible.”

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
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