Home Crime Man jailed for Grimsby mortuary sex acts

Man jailed for Grimsby mortuary sex acts


30-year-old Damon Tingay has been jailed after he forced his way into the mortuary at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital and performed sex acts on two male corpses.

Police were called to the hospital on Sunday 17 March following reports of a break-in. Damon Tingay, who is from Grimsby, was arrested at the scene on suspicion of burglary. While in custody he was also charged with a sexual offence and trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence against a deceased adult and intentionally or recklessly causing public nuisance.

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, the organisation which runs the hospital, confirmed that security measures at the hospital had been tightened β€œto ensure they are robust and that the bodies in our care are safe.”

Mr Tingay subsequently appeared at Hull Crown Court where he pleaded guilty to trespass with intent to commit sexual offences and sexual penetration of a corpse, and has now been sentenced for his crimes.

Mr Tingay will serve six years in prison, a further four on licence and has been given a lifetime sexual harm prevention order.