Call for action over condition of Cleethorpes Boating Lake

Local residents and Councillors have called for increased action to tackle the waste left behind by wildlife at Cleethorpes Boating Lake. 

According to regular visitors and local businesses the area is ‘plagued’ by bird faeces, which some claimed is not cleaned frequently enough to keep the problem under control.  

Gi Grimsby News headed down to the site to speak to locals, many of whom expressed worries that the amount of mess spread across the footpaths could pose a health hazard to children visiting the site, with others concerned about the impact on tourism. 

We also contacted North East Lincolnshire Council to see what they are doing about the issue, and were told that the authority is doing “everything humanly possible” to manage the situation.

A spokesperson said they are “constantly trying to keep on top of the level of bird droppings around the Boating Lake.

They continued: “However, with the sheer volume of geese, ducks, swans, pigeons and seagulls in the area it is impossible to eradicate and maintain completely.”

They added: “We understand this may not be appealing to visitors, but our Parks and Open Spaces team are doing everything humanly possible to remove as much of the bird droppings as possible.”

Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
Editor. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2020.
hunter waste

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