Cleethorpes filled with positivity as Armed Forces Weekend comes to a close

Armed Forces Weekend is a spectacle to behold in Cleethorpes every year, with thousands of people descending on the resort town to show their support and admiration for our armed forces, both serving and retired.

With the sun shining and the crowds building, Gi Grimsby News headed down on Saturday, June 29th, and Sunday, June 30th, to speak with a myriad of people celebrating the event.

First up were Glenn and Tracey, regular attendees of Armed Forces Weekend in Cleethorpes.

Glenn said, “We’ve never missed one yet. We’ve always been here. We’ve always got our flags out.”

The couple said that their favourite aspects of the celebrations were the parade, but they were mildly disappointed by the lack of a particular air display this year. Tracey said that she was “gutted” that there was no Lancaster air display, as it was her favourite of all.

Glenn added his frustrations with the toilet situation, saying that he was “unsure” as to where all the toilets were located this year and how the management of the situation was “quite poor”.

Next, we came across Vikki, who was setting up her brownie stall near Elles, which granted her a perfect view of the incoming air displays.

Vikki said that her favourite parts of the weekend were “seeing regular customers and new customers too”, but also “the planes, obviously, as I’ve got a great spot.”

She added, “It’s a great weekend, and I’ve done the last two years too, so this is my third year running.”

Also at the proceedings was the Mayor of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Steve Beasant, who said that Armed Forces Weekend is “such an important event for the veterans”. He added: “We should remember veterans up and down the country; and for Cleethorpes, it’s always been such a good event, and the committee that organises it does absolutely brilliantly, and to be here as the Mayor, I’m really looking forward to it. The planes, you name it, but also the camaraderie of the veterans. It’s fabulous”

Also from North East Lincolnshire Council was Councillor Phillip Jackson, who said on Saturday, “It’s been a fantastic day so far; we’ve had the parade, and the air display at the start was really impressive. There’s a huge number of people here again; it’s one of the busiest events Cleethorpes has each year, a huge attraction for local people and people from out of town, so it’s bringing a lot of business into the area as well. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and the fantastic weather too; what more could you want?”

On Sunday, we came across Roy Horobin, who lives locally in Cleethorpes, and described the events as “exciting”. Roy said, “I was here yesterday, and I live in Cleethorpes anyhow, so I’m only a quarter of a mile from where we are now. I like to see the place absolutely rammed. I came out last night, and it was just full of people. I saw the fireworks, and they were amazing. I just think it’s great; Cleethorpes is a great place.”

He added, “I like the fact that people are coming here to see how great it is; it has been amazing with the weather too. Seeing the planes with the typhoon display is fantastic! I can just sit in my garden and watch that, along with the Red Arrows too. It’s just the whole vibe; it’s exciting.”

Lastly, we spoke with Victoria and Sarah, who had set up their own handmade jewellery stall. They explained that they come every year and “had enjoyed it so far” with the fireworks being “the best that they’ve [the Armed Forces Events Team] put on.”

Fin Gray
Fin Gray
Junior Reporter. Part of the Gi Grimsby News team since 2024.
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